Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Digital Native or Digital Immigrant?

Professionally, I feel as though I am a semi-digital native, but I have a lot of room for growth. I try to incorporate as much technology in the classroom and into my lesson plans, but I often hit obstacles in my attempts to broaden the curriculum. With limited access to computer labs during the school day, students who do not have consistent access to computers and other areas of technology as well as limited time due to a rotating block schedule, I have to plan out activities utilizing technology well in advanced. I am also faced with having to differentiate instruction for the various levels of student abilities within my classroom. Additionally, since students do not have the same access to computers/technology, I must provide alternative assignments that are providing the same amount of rigor, exposure, analysis and productive/active involvement as a more advanced blog posting, website, video etc. project. While my district is moving towards incorporating technology and providing professional development on new tools for the classroom, I need to step up and become more innovative in my lessons and incorporating these tools in my own classroom to expose my students to more.

Personally, I am a digital native. I am addicted to my cell phone, email, social networks and finding new websites to browse. I love being in the know and do have the guilty pleasures of TMZ and People magazine. I am a multitasker and do not "power down" often. The last time my cell phone was off for more than a day was when I went out of the country two years ago. If my cell phone is not with me, I do feel lost. In a way, I am saddened by the fact that I need to be connected with people at all times, but understand that the culture is moving in this direction more. It is an amazing feeling to be able to have information at my finger tips and educate myself in various ways, however, I realize I must also include the outside world and the simpler things in my life as well, such as the outdoors. The one thing I am resisting right now in technology is an e-reader. I love the feel of a solid book in my hands and think I would have a difficult time adjusting to not turning a page. I will probably succumb to purchasing an e-reader in the next few months since it is more cost effective and easier to travel with!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should consider an iPad ;] Though the kindle does get great reviews. If you don't want other distractions I would suggest.
